Trains Between New York’s Penn Station, New Jersey Facing Delays
1970-01-01 08:00
Amtrak and New Jersey Transit trains operating between New York’s Penn Station and New Jersey are experiencing possibly

Amtrak and New Jersey Transit trains operating between New York’s Penn Station and New Jersey are experiencing possibly significant delays due to a disabled commuter train.

A NJ Transit spokesperson said that a Northeast Corridor train departing from Trenton experienced a minor, slow-speed derailment just prior to arriving in New York. The train remains upright and no injuries were reported to the approximately 1,500 passengers and crew, the person said in an email.

NJ Transit said rail service in and out of Penn Station is suspended with Midtown Direct service being rerouted to Hoboken. Passenger’s rail tickets and passes will be cross honored by the Port Authority’s PATH trains, NJ Transit buses and private carriers.

Amtrak announced customers traveling between New York Penn Station and Newark may experience lengthy delays as of 9:35 a.m.

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