Scientists 'surprised' by 'strange underwater road' discovered in Europe
Tesla offering discounts of over $1,300 on some U.S. Model 3 cars -website
U.S. FDA approves Krystal Biotech's skin disorder gene therapy
Solar panel efficiency to increase 50% with first production of ‘miracle’ tandem cells
Scientists find that AI can read thoughts from monitoring your brain activity
EU regulators' group sides with Big Tech against telcos' network fee push
Sean Penn, backing WGA strike, says AI dispute is 'a human obscenity' at Cannes Film Festival
Twitter accuses Microsoft of refusing to pay for tweets and abusing its data access
Exclusive-India's govt plans action against Google after antitrust breaches
Scientists discover that humans mastered fire centuries before history suggests
Nasa discover new planet that is entirely covered with volcanoes
Why Montana's TikTok ban may not work