Texas city approves $3.5 million for child who witnessed aunt's fatal shooting by officer
The struggling Wild have turned to John Hynes to try to restore their confidence and identity
Tennessee governor unveils push for statewide school voucher expansion, no income limitations
Argentina's president-elect tells top Biden officials that he's committed to freedom
GOP impeachment effort against Philadelphia prosecutor lands before Democratic-majority court
Sports Illustrated is the latest media company damaged by an AI experiment gone wrong
Amazon launches Q, a business chatbot powered by generative artificial intelligence
Panama's Supreme Court declares 20-year contract for Canadian copper mine unconstitutional
U.S. gas prices have fallen or remained steady for 10 weeks straight. Here's why
Charlie Munger, Warren Buffet's sidekick at Berkshire Hathaway, dies at 99
Texas women who could not get abortions despite health risks take challenge to state's Supreme Court
Finland will close its entire border with Russia over migrant concerns